10 Reasons Why You Should Live the Van Life

The van life has gained in popularity in recent years. It’s not hard to see why when you take into account the number of benefits that come with this lifestyle. From financial freedom to the simplicity of living without many possessions, here are 10 reasons why you should live the van life.

10 Reasons Why You Should Live the Van Life
1. Financial freedom
The life of a van dweller is a great way to maximize your money potential. It’s not necessary to live this way for years on end but if you’re looking to increase your income in the long-term, consider living in a van or RV and selling off your belongings. This is a very profitable lifestyle. With little in your house to sell, you’ll have tons of money to spend on travel, books and experiences. This is a great way to save up for a dream vacation and also help you avoid hoarding unnecessary things in your home. Simplicity It may seem like you’ll have to give up on a lot of things to live the van life but it’s actually very easy and cheap to live in a van. In fact, a brand new 2018 Dreamcatcher van can be purchased for just under $30,000.
2. Simplicity
Van life gives you the opportunity to live a minimalist lifestyle, which is an enormous benefit to anyone looking to be more happy and healthy. Many van life proponents do without the “stuff” that comes along with being an average, modern American and live a much simpler life. The life style gives you the opportunity to live with less things, but more importantly, it gives you more time to do the things you love. Related: The 7 Pieces of Equipment Every Traveler Needs No Debt Although van life may seem ideal for many, the long-term cost of a van can be quite high. If you buy a used van from a salvage yard, there is a decent chance that you are overpaying for your vehicle. Unless you can scrape together $50,000 or more, you should consider buying a newer vehicle.
3. Freedom
One of the biggest reasons you should live the van life is to truly live without a leash. You’ll find yourself more self-reliant, with less trouble or worry in your life. When you’re living in a van, you won’t need a home or a place to live, so you can enjoy this freedom. Safety You’ll also feel much safer with a van lifestyle. While there are people in parking lots watching you, you won’t have to worry about them stealing your belongings while you’re sleeping or driving to work. There are more people around you at all times, so you have a lot more security. Simplicity Simplicity is a major benefit of living the van life. When you’re living in a van, you’ll have less things in your life to take care of.
4. Avoiding the rat race
Most people like the idea of escaping the rat race but a full-time RV lifestyle isn’t for everyone. What some people love about a van life lifestyle is that you can move to where you want to be when you want. You no longer have to find a job to pay for rent. You can set up a tent or a campervan where ever you feel like you need to be, and travel whenever you feel like it. The location also doesn’t matter because you can even camp in your van or a campervan if you’re at a campsite with electricity. Of course, you still have to pay a few bucks for the electricity, but by getting your own electricity and water, you also control your own power bill. You can choose where to live and what to do Life on the road is full of opportunities.
5. Fulfillment
This is the main benefit of the van life. When you no longer have a set schedule, it’s possible for you to spend more time doing what you love. Don’t do something because it’s the status quo and you’re supposed to do it. If you want to do something else, it’s time to try it out. Start small and become comfortable with taking risks. Habits Your van life lifestyle will become your new lifestyle. The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll become. If you do it the right way, you won’t have to live the van life full-time. You’ll eventually have enough experience to be able to live it for a few months or even a year or two. Travel Living the van life allows you to travel without much of a hassle. You can take a few trips each year and have a lot of flexibility in the matter.
6. Temporary shelter
The best thing about living in a van is that it’s completely customizable to fit your situation. You can set up your home to be completely portable, or you can purchase a good-quality tent and have it permanently attached to your van. Choosing the right home One of the biggest challenges of living in a van is finding the right van for you. There are several types of vans, each of which provides a unique solution to the goal of your van-life adventure. You could always choose a van with only the bare essentials, or you could go for a more luxe van with extra space and storage. Benefits of space The space available in a van makes it much easier to host guests.
7. Autonomy
While some people may say that a van is in no way a mobile home, it’s worth considering the flexibility and freedom that comes with the vans’ design. Because many of the larger vans allow for sleeping space on the roof, this is something that people seem to value. This type of van is also ideal for any occasional camper who is looking for a one-stop-shop solution for a full off-the-grid lifestyle. Lots of Space Although smaller van conversions don’t tend to have as much space as an RV, you can still live out of a tiny campervan and still find it spacious. These type of conversions have smaller windows and smaller bathrooms, but these aren’t a problem for van dwellers who aren’t in a rush to leave.
8. Being in control of your life
The van life allows you to decide when, where, and with whom you will live. So often we are boxed in by circumstances and pressures of modern life, when all we really want to do is live in a van and travel. Whether it’s a short few weeks for work or a long trek across the US, the idea of having more control over your life and not having to live under someone else’s rules is a draw in and of itself. No worries about getting home or having to work when you get there Often van dwellers leave their vehicle to travel, which means missing work or taking time off of school.
10. Living with less stuff
When you live in a campervan you can bring everything you need with you. There are plenty of great free or cheap campgrounds throughout the country. We don’t have to carry a lot of stuff in the back of our van, since everything we need is in there. Staying in one place means we’re not wasting fuel driving round the country. Driving a van saves money on gas and insurance, too. Waking up with the sunrise It might not always be as beautiful as this sunrise in Portland, Oregon, but there’s no doubt that a morning sunrise has an incredible effect on your mood. What makes a van a home? When we were first choosing a van, we were trying to figure out what type of home it would be.
So there you have it. 10 reasons why you should live the van life. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point for people new to van life to think about. There are certainly many more benefits to living this way, but here’s 10 that I can think of off the top of my head. Finding someplace to live can be a challenge and living a simple lifestyle is very attractive to many people. Here’s hoping that you explore this lifestyle further, and share your thoughts with others!